Friday 15 April 2011

CM not sincere to resolve problems: Riaz


LAHORE: Opposition Leader in Punjab Assembly Raja Riaz Thursday that the Pakistan People's Party (PPP), as an opposition party in the assembly, would continue to pinpoint masses' problems.

Speaking on a point of order during the 24th session presided over by Speaker Rana Muhammad Iqbal here, Raja Riaz said that the PPP had summoned the session to discuss the wheat procurement campaign for the yearm2011 but the treasury members were not serious to discuss the issue in the house.

Criticising Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif for not attending the proceedings of the house, he said that the CM was not sincere to resolve the problems of people.

He said that Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto had sacrificed their lives to protect the rights of poor masses, adding that the PPP would continue its struggles to fulfill their mission.

" The PPP will continue to protect ‘the rights of people of Punjab,' he added.

Denying the allegation of MPA Ali Haider Noor`Khan Niazia bout Governor `Latif Khosa for organising a fashion show in Darbar Hall of the Governor's House, he said no such event was organized.

"The honourable member should withdraw his remarks against the constitutional head of the province," Raja Riaz added.

During the Question Hour, Punjab Minister for Baitul Maal Nadeem Kamran told the house that the government was making a law for the elimination of dowry (Jahaiz) fund. Earlier, this fund was allocated by the federal government and after the 18th amendment it had become the subject of the provincial government.

"We are introducing a law to curb this curse from the society," he added.

Provincial ministers- Nadeem Kamran and Haji Ehsan uddin Qureshi also responded various questions by the members regarding Zakat, Usher and Baitul Maal department. Speaking at a call attention notice of PML-Q Parliamentary leader Ch Zaheer uddin regarding the suicide attack at Sakhi Sarwar Darbar in Dera Ghazi Khan, Law Minister Rana Sanullah Khan said the government was committed toprotect lives and property of the masses.

He said that 52 persons were killed and 97 received injuries in the incident while the police arrested a suicide bomber Umer s/o Zubair, resident of South Waziristan.

Rejecting the impression of security lapse, he said that the government had made sufficient security arrangements for the Urs celebrations.

He told the house that the law enforcement agencies personnel who arrested the suicide bomber would be rewarded by the Punjab government.

The session started half an hour late to its scheduled time 3.00 pm.


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